Event, Conference and Corporate Photography Services - Melbourne, Australia

Wedding bouquets
Wedding party on beach Photoevntz logo
Bride and groom in front of mansion
Bride and groom coming down aisle EVERY MOMENT
Bride and Groom with streamers YES, EVERY MOMENT


Great value wedding photography with a professional photographer

Some examples of our coverage. Talk to us about your requirements

Wedding Photography Essentials Package

Coverage of ceremony
Location photography following ceremony with bridal party
Mock cutting of cake
All your high resolution image files ready to print on disc or usb stick
A web page and photo gallery of easily downloadable images to share with friends and family


Wedding Photography Deluxe Package

Bride and Groom preparations
Coverage of ceremony
Location photography following ceremony with bridal party
Mock cutting of cake
Bridal party entrance
All your high resolution image files ready to print on disc or usb stick
A web page and photo gallery of easily downloadable images to share with friends and family


Wedding Photography Premium Package

Bride and Groom preparations
Coverage of ceremony
Location photography following ceremony with bridal party
Full reception coverage
All your high resolution image files ready to print on disc or usb stick
A web page and photo gallery of easily downloadable images to share with friends and family


Looking for something a little different as a wedding favour for your guests?

Book our unique Photobooth complete with studio backdrop, lights and fun props starting from only $950.00. You get to keep a DVD of all photos plus each of your guests receives a glossy 6x8 inch print framed in its own folder as a present from you. Hey! It's much better than a bag of candied almonds.